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Bending Figured Mahogany with the Fox Bender
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Author:  Rod True [ Wed Aug 20, 2008 9:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Bending Figured Mahogany with the Fox Bender

Todd, great video tutorial! That must have taken you a lot in editing and set up. Thanks for caring so much for the OLF and the members here to give like you do!

Author:  Nalu [ Tue Sep 23, 2008 12:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Bending Figured Mahogany with the Fox Bender

Hi Todd,

Just wanted to thank you for that tutorial.
Im just a beginner luthier and I plan on making
my own side bender for ukulele's. Your tutorial
is a great help.

Thanks Again!,

Author:  JJ Donohue [ Tue Sep 23, 2008 8:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Bending Figured Mahogany with the Fox Bender

Another great video for the archives. Thanks for posting, Todd!

Author:  YJ John [ Sun Mar 15, 2009 8:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Bending Figured Mahogany with the Fox Bender

I am about to tackle building my first bender. I have been staring at my LMI Blueprints for a week. It was great watching one in action. It makes the build make more sense.
Thanks for your time and effort.
I especially enjoyed the Temp needs being piped in while you went along.

Author:  Fred Tellier [ Sun Mar 15, 2009 11:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Bending Figured Mahogany with the Fox Bender

Thanks Todd, that's a great set of videos the OLF video collection is getting very comprehensive, a novice could almost completely learn to build from our video archive. I wish I had this kind of infor several years ago when I started, but I have picked up something I can use from almost every video posted on the OLF and some of the other youtube contributers.

Thanks again

Author:  gullywompr [ Sun Mar 15, 2009 12:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Bending Figured Mahogany with the Fox Bender

Todd, thanks for this. I bent one side of EIR (my first bend!) last night, and found these videos to be indispensible.

I did experience an amount of springback, which I will guess means I used too low a temperature. I have to admit to some timidity over cranking the heat up, don't want to start a fire in my basement. I have a candy thermometer rather than a thermocouple, and attempted to do the procedure at about 235 F degrees (best I could measure holding the thermometer tip to the outside surface of the bending package). It bent real smoothly at that temp, and I kept it baking for an additional 20 minutes. I let it cool for two hours, then baked it again at 200 F for another 20 minutes. It stayed in the bender overnight before removal this AM.

I do have the same blanket and controller you have (props to John Hall). I attempted to see the dial setting you used on the controller, but couldn't really tell. Would you be willing to give me an idea of where you set the dial on the controller (something like one-quarter high)? I understand this will not translate to everybody's rig.

Even with the springback, I was able to clamp it in the mold with a minimum of stress, and I'm pretty happy, albeit a bit concerned that I need to fix the springback before gluing (which will be challenging without a hot pipe). No disappointment or criticism here, I got a real sense of satisfaction from my first bend. Thanks again.

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